• 16/04/21

A Comparative Study to the Social Forestry Scheme

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KMP facilitated a comparative study to Telaga Village’s Village Forest Management Institution regarding the Social Forestry Scheme for 4 villages and 1 sub-district of Seranau District.

On March 21st to 24th 2021, Katingan Mentaya Project facilitated representatives from 4 villages and 1 sub-district of Seranau District, Kotawaringin Timur, took part in a comparative study to Telaga Village’s Village Forest Management Institution in Kamipang, Katingan District.

The 15 representatives that took part in the comparative study were from Batuah, Ganepo, Terantang Hilir, Terantang Village, and Mentaya Seberang Sub-District. “This comparative study is carried out so that participants can learn together from the Village Forest Management Institution of Telaga and Tampelas Village in developing a Social Forestry Scheme in accordance with government regulations", said Mambang Rena, Community Organizer for Forest Village Community Empowerment of Katingan Mentaya Project.

A Social Forestry Scheme is an effort introduced by Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment as a sustainable forest management system that would be implemented in state forests or locally-owned forests in order to improve welfare, environmental balance, and socio- cultural dynamics in the area. Hence, the comparative study was facilitated by Katingan Mentaya Project not only to strengthen relationship bonds between KMP-assisted villages, but also to educate participants on the process of issuing land permit and other legal recognition from the government for their forests.

"We hope that by carrying out this comparative study, the participants may choose to implement a Social Forestry Scheme to their respective areas as well as to better understand the processes and stages needed to obtain legal area management rights from the government," explained Mambang.

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