Prevention of GHG emissions that would have been generated through the planned forest clearance and conversion of the area to industrial acacia plantations. On going conservation and restoration of the forest is contributing to climate mitigation through the prevention of destruction (especially by fire) and the sequestration of emissions.
Katingan Mentaya Project
- The Katingan Mentaya Project (KMP) is a tropical peatland forest conservation and restoration project in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, covering 149,800 ha.
- World's largest forest-based avoided emissions project, sequestering an average of 7.5 million tCO2e per annum.
- It protects a highly biodiverse area of tropical peat swamp forest home to over 5% of the remaining global population of the Bornean Orangutan and other High Conservation Value (HCV) species.
- Community livelihood development is a core priority for the project. In partnership with 35 villages, the project works to build capacity in community decision-making and identify sustainable initiatives for co-development and land use, through support for activities identified during the participatory planning process.
- Contributes towards all 17 UN SDGs, reaching 54 targets, and 68 indicators in 2021-2022.
Project Missions
The Katingan Mentaya Project has three core missions: climate, community and biodiversity.
The Katingan Mentaya Project supports and contributes to all 17 the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
News & Stories
The project is assessed against the science-based and globally recognised Verra Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Verra Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard to both demonstrate the project’s scientific rigour and to enable it to generate income from VCUs or carbon credits.
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