Voluntary Carbon Market

Voluntary Carbon Market

The VCM is a marketplace where carbon credits are traded for the purpose of supporting a company, product, or service to meet a climate target, by helping to finance activities that have demonstrated verified emissions avoidance, reductions or removals.

The VCM is a means of directing climate finance towards activities that are having a demonstrable impact on addressing the climate crisis (as well as the biodiversity crisis, whilst also supporting vulnerable communities).

The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) is where private individuals, corporations and other organisations issue, buy and sell verified carbon reductions (VERs) or carbon credits outside of regulated or mandatory carbon pricing instruments.

VERs or carbon credits enable this positive incentivisation to maintain standing forests via the VCM.

Each VER corresponds to one metric tonne of reduced, avoided or removed CO2 or equivalent GHG. For a VER to be credible, it must come from a fully validated and verified project. The project must be verified against a recognised and credible third-party standard and to maintain valid accreditation, a project must provide regular update reports and submit to robust assessments by third-party auditors.

Carbon credits

To have value and impact, carbon credits must be high-quality, which means they must represent real and additional GHG emission reductions or removals, which are quantified based on credible and conservative calculations of baselines, additionality, leakage, and permanence.

High-quality credits are generated from projects that are well designed and managed, accurately monitored meet the criteria of a credible, recognised standard and are aligned with all relevant local and international policies.

Projects should be verified against the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards by The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance, which ensures delivery of net positive benefits for climate change mitigation, for local communities and for biodiversity.

Carbon credits
Carbon credit integrity
Carbon credit integrity

High-quality credits are generated from projects that are well designed and managed. They must be accurately monitored and meet the criteria of a credible, recognised standard. They must also aligned with all relevant local and international laws and regulations. For more information about how the VCM works, click the link below:

Buy carbon credits from Katingan

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