• 15/05/20

A Day in the Life: Coconut Sugar Trainer

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In a gazebo of Katingan Mentaya Project’s Coconut Sugar Training Center “Mentaya Sweet” in Basawang village, Sugiono, who is better known as Sogo, is found among new recruits.

Some come from nearby villages while others from villages farther away. They all have come to the training centre to learn about a more sustainable way to make a living, under the guidance of Sogo.

The Katingan Mentaya Project Coconut Sugar Training Centre is located in Basawang Village, one and a half hour away from the small town of Sampit. Established in 2017, the training centre is an initiative by Katingan Mentaya Project to promote the development of alternative livelihoods that can facilitate environmentally sustainable economic development in and around project area. Recruits, predominantly scouted illegal loggers, are trained to produce coconut sugar as a more sustainable way of living. Sogo was one of the first people trained in the training centre, and he has since continued his work in producing coconut sugar while training new loggers for the past 3.5 years.

The training is an extensive 10-day course. As a trainer, Sogo relies mostly on practice-based methods, teaching the recruits on harvesting palm nectar safely, processing the nectar into sugar, and conducting quality control. Being the only permanent trainer, Sogo has large responsibilities in overseeing recruits and making sure of their progress.

Sogo has trained over 100 recruits since 2017, many of whom have successfully built their respective coconut sugar businesses while a numbered few have tried their hand in other industries. Throughout their endeavors after the training, Sogo remains a key figure in the recruits’ lives, offering consultation and guidance to those who may need it.

Inviting and recruiting loggers to participate in the training require a lot of effort as illegal logging is still viewed as a conventional and efficient way of living. Despite its obstacles, Sogo continues to commit his time in working with the training centre and empowering loggers to follow in his steps. “A dream to change your life does not become reality through magic,” explained Sogo, “it takes sweat, commitment and hard work.”

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