• 24/03/22

Business Training for Women of Mentaya Seberang

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Dozens of women from the Mentaya Seberang women group attended training on how to make chips, jelly and jam from honey pineapple.

This training was held by Katingan Mentaya Project for two days, 18 to 19 June 2021. "This activity purpose is to increase the ability of PKK women in Mentaya Seberang Subdistrict to produce pineapples and other fruits to increase women’s income," said Seranau District Coordinator, Saiful Anwar.

"All participants who take part in this training are mostly mothers with no income, so we invite them to take part in the training, hoping that after the training the mothers can be independent and develop their own businesses," he added. Saiful said the participants were 15 mothers from elements of Posyandu (Integrated Health Post), women group and housewives. "We brought in 3 trainers from other regency, 3 units of equipment and materials for training on making chips, jelly, and jam were provided by the project," explained Saiful.

In addition, processed products from honey pineapple are chosen because the raw material for honey pineapple is widely available in Seragam Jaya Village and Mentaya Seberang Subdistrict yet lack processing activities. One of the participants taking part in this activity, Lilik Triwahyuni (48), a resident of Mentaya Seberang Subdistrict, admitted that she was very happy to be able to learn how to make this processed food. "Hopefully the knowledge I get can be useful, especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic, hopefully it can increase family income," she said.

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