• 28/05/20

COVID-19: Helping Women-Led Small Business Survive

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In Ganepo Village, of East Kotawaringin Regency, the women-led Banana Chips Community Group continues to flourish despite the crisis.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, thousands of businesses all around the world face closures or severe restrictions to their operations, leaving millions unemployed. Among those experiencing unemployment are workers in low-skill and low-income positions, many of whom are held by women. But, in Ganepo Village, of East Kotawaringin Regency, the women-led Banana Chips Community Group continues to flourish despite the crisis.

The village of Ganepo in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, is responsible for supplying most of Sampit’s needs for banana fruits and leaves. When the pandemic hit Central Kalimantan, economic activity throughout the region halted, greatly affecting local markets and businesses in Kotawaringin Timur district and its surrounding areas. However, with support from Katingan Mentaya Project, the women-led Banana Chips Community Group manages to maintain operation despite the pandemic.

The Banana Chips Community Group was formed in 2019 and now includes nine highly experienced women from Ganepo Village. Among them, Manisah is highly regarded, having worked as a banana chip producer since 2010 and trained most of the women and new recruits. “With bananas being very easy to acquire in Ganepo, our community group found banana chips as a way to differentiate ourselves from the market,” Manisah said, “In a month, we are able to sell around 150-200 bags of chips”.

Katingan Mentaya Project has supported the community group’s endeavour since mid 2019, valuing the women’s high quality and preservative-free organic banana chips by providing them with a stable market.

Despite the pandemic, Katingan Mentaya Project’s support maintains the demand for the community group’s banana chips. In the past month, the women were able to sell up to 150 bags of banana chips, valued at 2 million rupiahs. As a result, the women-led Banana Chips Community Group has largely been unaffected by the ongoing pandemic, with the women maintaining a steady income for their respective families.

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