• 27/05/22

Katingan Mentaya Project Selected as ‘Lighthouse’ by NCSA

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The Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA) has recently named Katingan Mentaya Project as ‘Lighthouse’ , so named because it ‘shines a light’ on the potential of investments in nature.

Yet another accolade for Katingan Mentaya Project! A total of six projects were selected as Lighthouses, in which 3 of them are from Indonesia. Lighthouse projects have met NCSA’s rigorous criteria, and effectively demonstrate the impact resulting from investments in nature.

RMU CEO Dharsono Hartono was featured in the 17 May virtual launch hosted by NCSA, in which he shared not only about the project itself, the impact it creates and the challenges met; but also about his vision and inspiring leadership journey together with his business partner, Rezal Kusumaatmadja.

“We are honoured that Katingan Mentaya Project has been seen as a project that creates real impacts in tackling climate issues. And I am even more delighted that out of the 6 Lighthouses, 3 are from Indonesia. This shows that the investments and efforts made by various organizations in Indonesia to support the government in tackling climate issues through reduction of carbon emissions have been recognized by the international community,” said Dharsono.

It is high time, Dharsono added, that businesses started making real actions to be part of the solution of climate issues, rather than becoming part of the issue itself.

The NCSA was convened by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) to scale up affordable natural climate mitigation solutions for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

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